Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Creativi-tree - Day Two

February 5, 2013

My thoughts on creativity this morning started with fear.  What is it we're so afraid of when we unleash creativity?  Why does creativity threaten the status quo?  So much of our education these days revolves around setting a fixed goal and meeting it or working toward a particular product.  Certainly, following through on tasks is important and productive, but sometimes a fixed goal limits us.

Facing an unknown result is also productive.  Sometimes, the process is just as important as the product.  Maybe it's the veering away from what's comfortable that is so disconcerting to people.

February 5, 2013 - The Creativi-tree

Here's a photo my husband took recently.  The tree is located in Callahan, Florida.

1.  Examine the photograph of the tree

2.  Think about what it represents to you.

The tree represents the unknown to me.  It's similar to creativity.  When we allow ourselves to use our God-given creativity, we stand back and let the Creator work through us (maybe through art or writing or music).  I never realized it before, but I think trusting in God each day shows how exercising our faith is a creative act.

When I write a story, I often don't know the outcome.  I love the uncertainty.  I enjoy giving up my thoughts on where the story should go and just letting it meander here and there.  Honestly, I think God made humans creative beings so we can live fully and experience the vibrant colors of life.

What does the tree represent to you?

~The Nassau Nerd

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with the representation of the unknown. The bottom part looks to me like a trail running under it, and wonder what is in there? Or, what is not in there? If I look up underneath, what would I find?