Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day - Day Nine

I have always loved Valentine's Day.  I think it's because of the red and pink hearts trimmed in lace we made as kids.  Something about the feel and smell of the construction paper comforts me.

Our Valentine's Day was busy this year.  In addition to preparing for a Valentine's Day party, I had a scheduled tutoring appointment in the afternoon.  The tutoring went very well, but the session lasted longer than any of us expected.

My husband and I discussed our options-go out to eat or cook steaks we already had prepared for the grill.  We decided to eat at home and then go show our love in a different way.

My father has been in the hospital this week for a bladder condition, so he received a "love day" visit from us complete with homemade brownies and a huge red heart-shaped balloon.

Our family chose to be a little more creative this Valentine's Day and take our love to the hospital for a little holiday cheer.

Today's Creativity - February 14, 2013

1.  Reflect on Valentine's Day.  Is it one of your favorite holidays?  Why or why not?

2.  Think of three ways you can show your love to others in creative ways.

I'd love to hear what you come up with!

~The Nassau Nerd

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