Monday, February 11, 2013

Knitting - Day Six

In January, 2012, I taught myself to knit. It took me a while to learn how to knit and purl using the illustrations in my knitting book.  The first piece I knitted ended up looking like the blade of a saw.  It was supposed to be rectangular!

I continued my new hobby and soon I had  scarves and hats for my loved ones.  I even knitted gold and black stripes into the matching set I did for my nephew attending college in Tennessee.

Then, last spring I tried a sweater on circular needles.  I haven't finished that project yet, but I have finished several ruffle scarves.

Today, I started my first baby blanket.  I'm going to a baby shower on Saturday, and I hope to have the blanket finished by then.  I want to give it to the mommy-to-be for her baby boy.

I think knitting is fun because it's both art and craft.  In knitting, I enjoy the process and the product.  I can use a pattern or strike out on my own to create something new.  Creativity is the same way.  

Today's creativity is simple.

February 11, 2013 - Creativity

1.  Find an activity you've been wanting to learn.

2.  Take the first three steps toward learning it.

I'll let you know how the blanket turns out.  I'd love to hear what you're learning. 

~The Nassau Nerd

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