Friday, February 8, 2013

Grocery store creativity - Day Five

I admit, I don't enjoy grocery shopping.  With scanning sales flyers, clipping coupons and analyzing nutritional values, I find the whole process time-consuming.  That said, I love having fresh food in the house and knowing we have meals for a week or so.

Today, I challenged myself to be creative at Winn-Dixie.  Along with my list, my coupons and my purse, I carried a small writing tablet and pen.  My creative challenge?  To use my writer's sense of observation and come up with three ideas for stories set in a grocery store.

I must say, having a creative goal made my time walking the tile floor under the fluorescent lights much more fun.

I came up with more than three ideas, but I'll share the first three I had...

1.  A conflict arises between two senior citizen shoppers who crash while maneuvering the aisles in their mechanical wheelchairs.

2.  A cashier keeps notes on all the shoppers who come through her line.  She knows who attempts to use expired coupons, who snacks on cookies while they shop and who hangs out in the produce section looking for a date (among other things).

3.  A musician (and grocery shopper) decides to perform live music inside the store instead of having to listen to the selections on the store speakers.

I had several more ideas too!

Next time you have to do something you're not looking forward to, try a little creativity!

Today's Creativity - February 8, 2013

1.  Think of a chore you don't love doing, but one that has to be done.

2.  The next time you complete the chore, consider observing your surroundings and writing down story ideas. 

Enjoy your creativity!

~The Nassau Nerd

P.S.  See you Monday.

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