Thursday, February 7, 2013

Risky Business - Day Four

Creativity is about risk.  Maybe that's what is so exciting about it.

Just a few days ago, I submitted some poetry to a literary magazine.  Of course, I don't know if my poems will be published.  What's more important to me, though, is that I submitted them.  Even though a voice in my head told me they'd never get published, I sent them on anyway.

To submit, I had to complete three simple (yet risky) steps.  First, I had to research the submission guidelines for the literary journal I selected.  Second, I had to format my poetry correctly, according to their guidelines.  Finally, I had to prepare the e-mail submission and send it.   No, it didn't take long to do these things because I had already written the poems, but the process involved risk.

Being creative involves pushing through fear and taking risks.

February 7, 2013 - Taking a Risk

Today's creative activity involves taking a risk.  What risk are you willing to take today?

1.  Choose something 'risky' to do.  (It could be as simple as learning to crochet or as complicated as going back to school).

2.  Take three steps toward completing your 'risk'.  

I'll let you know when I find out about my poetry.

Please let me know about your risky business.

~The Nassau Nerd

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